First Week of CCM Completed!

Dang, that sure went by fast. Each day felt soooo long but was soooo good and amazing at the same time. Funny thing is though that despite how slow each day went, the week went by in a flash.

So to give you a little peek into what my days have consisted of... Each morning at 6:30 I would wake up, get ready for the day, eat my breakfast and get some study in before class began at 8:30. Then once class started I would be in a zoom meeting with my amazing distrito 8 for three hours until 11:30. After that, class ended I would then have an hour and a half break until 1 pm when I would have a workshop for an hour with all the online missionaries that are attending the Provo MTC and the México CCM. Then beginning at 2 pm I would have a half hour break, enough time to get my personal Spanish study in, until my third class would begin. This class was my Spanish class which consisted of 30 minutes of English the first day, and then strictly just Spanish the rest of the week. So for every day but Monday, it was three hours of learning Spanish with no English. Then at the end of that class, to finish off the day, at 5:30 I would have companionship study for an hour. So in total... 8 hours on the computer a day, and I loved every second of it. Oh, I also forgot to mention, this is all in México time. So subtract 2 hours from each time and that is actually what it was like, except for the fact that I did not get up at 4:30 am. I woke up at 6 am each morning and did personal study after comp study. So despite being constantly exhausted and on the computer all day, it has been such an amazing experience and makes me so much more excited to be in person at the México CCM beginning this Tuesday.

For now, that is all I have to share, other than I know this church is true. I've come to know this through personal revelation and witnesses through the Holy Ghost. I also know that the gift of tongues is real! Mi compañero, Élder Butler started this week with practically no experience in Spanish and can now testify, pray, and hold a conversation in Spanish! It's been so amazing and every minute I've been in a meeting with my distrito, I receive new witness that this is God's true gospel and church. En el nobre de Jesucristo Amén.

Ok now I'm signing out. And to my awesome cousin Bradley, hope this wasn't too long ;) I'll bug y'all later :)


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