El Dia de Preparación Final en la CCM

Oh what a P Day it has been. But before I get to what happened today, on Friday, I'll talk un poco 'bout my week.

So to start this week off we got to listen to a broadcasted Devotional from Provo that D. Todd Christofferson spoke at and boy, was that a good talk. He spoke about the Atonement of Jesus and how important it is to repent. He gave us the gift of repentance and we must use it. He can't save us if we don't choose to receive this amazing gift. What's the point of Him giving us agency if we abuse it and expect him to save us without us doing any work?

My house (Casa 50, which consists of 15 Élderes) tried out for a musical number for our final devotional here in la CCM. On Thursday we tried out with el himno Loor al Profeta (Praise to the Man) acapella. We felt good about it until the next audition showed up, which was basically a choir of about three districts whose devotional would also be their last. We thought we had no chance. But today we received an email that they chose us to perform. Which also means that Imma have to get rid of this darn ol' cold of mine cause I have a solo in it....

Ok, now to today. So to start off this day, we got a new Élder (Élder Castelli) which made us a trio. His original assignment was to Chile, but he then got reassigned to Oakland, CA and was supposed to leave on Thursday. But then on Wednesday got re-reassigned to his original assignment to Chile. So he is now staying 'til next Thursday.

At 9:15 this morning we had a devotional 'til 12 with Elder Soares! It was so incredible! You could feel the witness of the Spirit that he is an apostle of God as soon as he walked in the room. The spirit was so strong there. He spoke about our Missionary service and how important it is that we understand our full purpose as missionaries.

After the devotional we went straight to lunch since we had to leave at 1 for the temple. But as we were waiting for the bus, Ulisses Soares, with his escort, walks by to get into his car to leave la CCM. But before he got to his car he came by to say hi, shake our hands, and ask where we were all from. It was so stinkin neat and once again received witness that he is a true apostle of God.

So after that whole experience, we went to the temple and boy, I can't get over how beautiful the temple is inside and out. And, as always, the spirit and peace that is felt there is so amazing. We then left the temple around 6 and got back around 7:30. So we didn't get much time for normal P-Day activities, such as cleaning the house, doing laundry, or playing sports. But I couldn't have asked for a better final P-day.

Anyways, to wrap up this week, I know this church is true. I wouldn't be serving a mission if I didn't. I know that the Apostles and Prophet are called of God and are the true mouth-pieces of God in these latter-days. I don't know what we would do if we didn't have their guidance in these crazy days. I know this Gospel is true and I love it so much and can't wait to begin teaching it to those people who need to hear this gospel, this "Good News." I say these things are true and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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