
Wow, this week has been different.

This week has felt like it's gone by so slow... probably because I had a mini two day vacation to the capital, Guatemala City. I'll get to that later

To start off ... Last Monday. After P day on Monday we had a Family home evening at the House of Hermano Manuel "EL MEJOR LIDÉR MISIONAL" (the best mission leader) he practically yells that every time he talks about his calling. The power went off so we took some candles out. And boy was that a sight. A family with two Élders.in the middle of pitch black Guatemala with nothing but candles talking about Jesus. The spirit was soooo strong and I feel so lucky to be here!

Tuesday is when my short vacation began. Élder Canal and I went to Coatepeque for the National bus and began exchanges with Élder Allen. It was a long 5.5 hour bus ride to Guatemala city. And a la gran, it is sooo different there! In certain parts I feel like I'm back in Sacramento. The Hotel we stayed at was this little, but amazing, hotel with queen sized beds and a nice bathroom and a dinner plan!!! Oh, it was soo good. And after dinner the Élders bought some panda express and Élder Allen offered to pay for me since he's got pisto!(Money) And oh the weather was absolutely gorgeous. A nice 75 degrees practically the whole time we were there.

Wednesday we went to the immigration building and were there from 6 to 9. And after that, straight back home to Genova and another long 5.5 hour drive. And once Élder Allen and I got to Coatepeque we waited for about an hour for our late comps. So we got pizza cause we hadn't eaten all day...

Thursday we had district counsel in Coatepeque, which is amazing as always. And after we got pizza because there were other districts there for their interviews with President. Later that night we had a cita with hermana Victorina which ended with her agreeing to a baptismal date of May 3!!

Friday we had interviews with President in Coatepeque!! So that makes five trips to Coatepeque in one week!!😅 but omgosh President Mckay is meant to be here and meant to be my President. He always knows exactly what to say and has the best answers to our questions! And after we got pizza!! After that we had two tardes de hogars (family home afternoons). The first with Hermana Armenia which ended in a baptismal date of May 1!! And after we had another tarde de hogar with Hermano Brualio y Hermana Josefa which ended with two more on May 10!! So that makes 4 Baptismal dates this week!! So excited for them to enter into the waters of baptism and a new life as a true disciple of Christ!! Please pray for them that they can hold fast and keep progressing!!

Saturday we had a branch activity about the plan of salvation which only about 10 people showed up. Which were the 10 that were teaching ... so that was great👍

Sunday we had fast and testimony meeting which as always was great! But not much else happened.

So ya, this week has been a rollercoaster. But one thing I've learned this week is the power of prayer. We have a Hermana in our branch who had to have an operation done and it could have cost either 12000 Quetzales or 22000 Quetzales, which is a lot, especially for the family right now. All of the doctors and nurses believed that it was going to be the latter. So the branch got together and prayed for this Hermana. And when it came to the operation it went super smoothly and ended up being only 12000. And after that her recovery, so far, has been phenomenal!! God hears and answers! I know this through this experience and many more personal experiences throughout these 3 months. God wants to help with everything in our lives. And all we need to do is ask!! The answers won't always come in the ways we think they will come, but you can be assured that they come in the best ways for us. Because His plan for us is perfect and He knows us perfectly. I know that this is true and bear you this testimony en el nombre de Jesucristo Amen.

Hope all of your weeks have been amazing!! As always thank you so much and I love you!!

I'll bug ya later!!



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