
So transfers happened and that's been fun. Had to say goodbye to all the friends I made in Genova, which was sad. And then Élder Canal and my district, which was also sad. But now I'm in a trio In San Bernardino!!! Élder Watson and Élder Archaga are fun and we get along great. Élder Watson is beginning to show us around since he was here before us two. We are also getting ready to kill Archaga since this is his final transfer in the mission.

We had a baptism this Saturday!! Little Hugo was baptized!! He is such the coolest little 9 year old with such a strong testimony and desire to follow Christ.

We also go to celebrate little Juanitas 7th birthday this Friday!!! She is just the cutest little girl you'll ever meet!!

Other than that not much else happened.

But one thing I wanna share with y'all this week is Ether 12:6, specifically the last part,
" recibireis nigun testimonio hasta despues la prueba de fe"

Sorry I don't have it memorized in English. But basically the answers to our questions, the blessings we are asking for, the help from God we are searching for in this life doesn't come until after a trial of faith. In these times, these trials, we come closer to God, our relationship with him grows and strengthens. What we do in these moments define and refine us. These hard moments in our lives are necessary for our salvation. And they may seem really hard at times but you have no need to worry because at the end you will receive your answer, the blessing, or the help that you need, that God knows you need. So just have patience and know that God is watching and will give you what you need in the best moment for you. I know this to be true and I love sharing this message with you guys and everyone!! And I do so in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thanks so much for all y'alls support!!
Love ya guys so much!!
Peace out and I'll bug ya later


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