
Showing posts from June, 2024

Transfer 4!

Hey ya'll, how ya doin'? Well, Imma keep  this   a little shorter cause not much happened anyway. This week went by really fast, and it's crazy to see how fast the time is going by now. Someone keeps clicking the fast forward button on my life. First of all this week we had two exchanges!! If any of ya were or are missionaries, you know how fun those can be. What's awesome about being in a trio is that the DL tries to get an exchange with every one of you in the trio. So I got to have exchanges with Élder Romney this week, and we had a blast. Sadly, I thought the missionary work side of it was kinda lame cause no one was home or available those two nights... Speaking of Élder Romney, he wanted a haircut, so I got to give him one on pday as well. A buzz cut. He was regretting it as I cut it, but afterward, he kinda liked it. Also, you've probably all heard, but a hurricane passed by Guatemala and into Mexico. Luckily, I was just on the edge of it, so I only got a lit

2n1.... otra vez... sowry

Well ha. Sorry again for not sending an email last week. But now y'all get a 2 in one. I'll try to make it short. First I'll name the random fun stuff from the last two weeks. >We found a full sized backhoe playing around in the middle of the river.  >DL and his comp got parasites so we got to go out to their area for a night to help them out in preparing one of their friends for baptism >I got to go on a 10 hour bus ride to Guatemala city to do some immigration paperwork to get my Guatemalan ID card. >Got to stay in the Barcelo, which is probably the best hotel I have ever stayed in. >Missed my Zone conference due to the trip so I got to go to the zone conference of my old zone and listen to Elder Olsen of the 70 and his wife and it was awesome!! Ok now for the awesome stuff! SERGIO AND MARIA WERE BAPTIZED!! Oh my gosh, they are sooo pilas and amazing. We would literally teach them something like the Word of Wisdom and drop something in an instant because in

Learning some life lessons

Hello hello!! Hope y'all had a great week and that you all are doing amazing!! Sorry once again to some, and to others you're welcome cause this'll be another short one. This week went by so fast and I'm starting to realize just how fast the mission really goes by. But this week was great. One thing that I have realized about being in a trio is that spreading out the time in lessons evenly between the three of us is nearly impossible. But I got a nice break from this on exchanges this week with the amazing DL, Elder Heineger. He had me lead all the lessons and they went great!! Was nice to have more time to talk in a lesson for once. This week I learned something big. And if any of you know me well you know I am not that patient. Ever since I was little, I was always a little too quick to get mad. But this week I found this out, and some of you may have already known this trick but bare with me. So the thing I realized that helps so much with patience is... forget what