Learning some life lessons

Hello hello!!

Hope y'all had a great week and that you all are doing amazing!!

Sorry once again to some, and to others you're welcome cause this'll be another short one.

This week went by so fast and I'm starting to realize just how fast the mission really goes by. But this week was great. One thing that I have realized about being in a trio is that spreading out the time in lessons evenly between the three of us is nearly impossible. But I got a nice break from this on exchanges this week with the amazing DL, Elder Heineger. He had me lead all the lessons and they went great!! Was nice to have more time to talk in a lesson for once.

This week I learned something big. And if any of you know me well you know I am not that patient. Ever since I was little, I was always a little too quick to get mad. But this week I found this out, and some of you may have already known this trick but bare with me. So the thing I realized that helps so much with patience is... forget what the other people are doing and focus on what you're doing or what you can do to help them!!! What did Jesus do when the adulterer was brought before him. Did he get upset that she was breaking the laws that God, His Father, gave us? No he loved her and helped her by forgiving her and keeping the others from stoning her. Jesus always focused on the good of the people and how he can help them and not on the fact that they were doing bad things. The things people do are out of our control, they have agency! But how we respond and what we choose to do after, we can control. But ya, that's what I realized this week and started to implement and boy does it work. W.W.J.D 👉 H.W.L.F

Anyway, that's my short email for this week. Hope y'all have a great week and feel free to reach out! I love receiving ur emails and responding when I've got the time.

Love ya and bug ya later✌️


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