2n1 again... sowry....

 Sorry about forgetting again. Well tbh. I didn't forget. I just didn't have the ganas (desire) to write an email last Monday. Every now and then there's a rough week. But they are always rough in different ways. Just like these past two weeks.


The first week was just physically and mentally exhausting between the heat, our friends that would never be home, and trying to help keep a ward from falling apart. It's been a crazy transfer, that's for sure.


This week however has just been a different type. This week we had Zone Conference and boy was it good!! We learned about something that I'll share later but also how important it is to extend baptismal dates to see what our friends really want. If they just want to hear scriptures or as a chapine would say  "la palabra de Dios" which they truly are. Or if they were really interested in repenting, as in changing from the old ways of doing things for a better, more divine, Christ-like way. And like a really good friend of mine said "if you don't make a change after your zone conference you wasted [8] hours of your week". So I did. I repented and changed how I was going about the work. And came to find out that only half of the people we were teaching really wanted to change and work to the goal of baptism.


So now we are doing a lot of finding, which has proven difficult here in Sanber but we are making progress, but it is exhausting. But as I pray for the energy and strength required to do His work, I find that each day this week I have felt more energized and ready for His work.


There's a montón de cosas that I can talk about from these past two weeks but I don't want to keep yall too long so I'll just get to the other thing I learned from Zone Conference.


And it's from the 1 Nefi 11, 12, 13 the story of when Nefi had a vision of his fathers vision. And it explains how we can receive not only answers but also blessings.


1 Nefi 11: 1

For it came to pass after I had desired to know the things that my father had seen, and believing that the Lord was able to make them known unto me, as I sat pondering in mine heart I was caught away in the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an exceedingly high mountain, which I never had before seen, and upon which I never had before set my foot.


The very first thing that it says in the scripture is that he had a desire. He truly had a desire to know things but after he wanted to know he needed to do something more than just want, he had to believe, believe that God really does and will answer prayers. But that's not all. This verse shows us how we must ask.


The rest of chapter 12 and 13 shows repeatedly how we can receive these answers and blessings, well more see and understand how these answers and blessings come. In these three chapters, in the majority of the verses, there are two verbs that are repeatedly said. (Well in Spanish there are two, in English there are a couple more because English is a little more complicated.) The verbs are mirar and ver, to look and to see. These I find to be the most important part of this process. If we are asking for blessings, asking questions and expecting answers, how are we ever going to receive them, or better said know we are receiving them if we never look for them. The first thing we need to do is look, not with our physical eyes but with our spiritual eyes, as in listen for that still small voice. Look for the ways you may receive your blessing in God's way rather than your way. And the most important thing to remember, is that as we are looking for these answers and blessings, we will see them. 


Desear > Creer > Mirar > Ver

Desire > Believe > Look > See


I invite you to add this process to your prayers. When you ask things of God, ask for the things that you truly desire...


1 Nefi 11: 

2 "...¿qué es lo que tú deseas?"

1 Nephi 11:

2 "...what desirest thou?"


...believing that God can and will give you these things...


1 Nefi 11:

"4 Y el Espíritu me dijo: ¿Crees que tu padre vio el árbol del cual ha hablado? 

5 Y respondí: Sí, tú sabes que creo todas las palabras de mi padre."

1 Nephi 11:

"4 And the Spirit said unto me: Believest thou that thy father saw the tree of which he hath spoken?

5 And I said: Yea, thou knowest that I believe all the words of my father."


...just look for the answers and blessing and you will see


1 Nefi 11:

"8 ...Mira! Y miré y vi"

1 Nephi 11:

"8 ...Look! And I looked and beheld..."


As you desire, believe in God and his timing and ways, and look with a Celestial perspective I promise that you will see the blessings he has in store for you. I have witnessed this in my life and I testify that it is true en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.


Sorry, wanted to make it short but kinda didn't... my b

I'll try to be better about sending out my emails. And sorry to you if I didn't get back to your email. This pday was a little wack. But I'll write ya next week. Entonces until then peace out

I'll bug ya later


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