God of Maricales

This week was amazingly insane! The past two weeks have been a little hard since we have been losing a lot of people to teach and visit. But this week began to change all of that.

Miracle 1: Our friend Hector
Hector is a good friend of ours that we found about 3 weeks ago. When we found him, we were just walking down a street to the next appointment when an old man from his front door yelled Élderes! We turned around and got to know him. Come to find out he almost got baptized when he was in Peru for work. But he had to leave for work 2 days before his date and couldn't return. He then ended up here in San Bernardino, not knowing that the church and missionaries were here too. Sadly though, he was about to leave for a 25-day work trip to Costa Rica and back in his big truck. So he left, and we were just going to wait. But then God started working. God said, "no, you're getting baptized". And when Hector was out of his truck for a short stop, his engine blew up. So he got sent home and is now getting back a brand new truck, and we are starting the process of preparing him for baptism!! And not only that, we also found out he's got 12 international friends that work for this international business here in Mazatenango but that live in Sanber that he shared the Book of Mormon with and they all want to learn more!

Miracle 2: Luis
Yesterday, as we were going from visit to visit, some of our visits were falling through, so we had a bunch of open space in our schedule, and we had no idea what to do. And that's when the phone rang. An inactive member called us and told us that her brother has been living with them the past two weeks and they have been teaching him about the Book of Mormon and the church and he had already come to church the past two Sundays. But not only that, but he wants to learn more from the missionaries and get baptized!! We met with him and taught him a lesson, or more just talked about it cause he already knew and understood most of it. So we ended the visit by extending a baptismal date for this coming Saturday!!

Miracle 3: Saturday Hermana Manuela was baptized!! And not only that but 30 minutes before, her husband and her got married!! The reason that this was a miracle was not only that we brought another sheep to the fold of God, but there were three accidents along the freeway that let no one pass on the freeway. But somehow, everyone one showed up (granted, it started an hour late), but everyone showed up, and it all happened as it was planned. In the end, Hermana Manuela started a new Covenant filled life with God.

God is a God of Miracles. His miracles didn't stop happening when he left the earth. He still blesses us with them. I know this to be true because I have seen them! Here in Guatemala in His work. All you have to do is just look for them, and I promise you will see the ways God is blessing your lives with miracles. You just gotta look.

Thanks everyone for everything! And thanks for your emails! I love ya and hope ya have a great week!!
I'll bug ya later!!


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