We've got friends ...

 ...in our stomachs.

That's right. I got a parasite!! Wahoo. But now I'm all better. And Élder Watson is pretty much all better. He was a tad bit worse than I. But that was the majority of our week. Staying in the house too sick to go out or hospital trips for ourselves and helping out another sick companionship when we did feel better. That was like the first half of the week.

The second half was sooo much better! So about three weeks ago there was a cousin of a friend of ours that after a lesson that she listened to from the front door walked up to me and asked how long is the process to be baptized? I then told her about two or three weeks. And then she straight up told me she wanted to be baptized!!! Was awesome until we tried teaching her and she kind of just didn't show up a couple of times. But now she's showing up and she's got a date for her baptism!!

Its so awesome to see how God has been blessing Élder Watson and I and His work here in San Bernardino.

1 Nephi 17:13  And I will also be your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments; wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall be led towards the promised land; and ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led.

As Élder Watson and I are trying to serve God as Missionaries and be His hands in His work here in San Bernardino He is blessing us with a way to do His work and is guiding us to His people that are waiting for us to bring this gospel, this good news, into their lives. And this principle is the same with all of life. As we strive to keep His commandments and do the things He has called us to do, in our callings or just as disciples of Christ we will see the hand of the Lord in our lives through His blessings and guidance He gives us, I know this is true and I have seen it in my own life, and I testify of this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Bueno bueno, yet again another week has gone by like that. And crazy to think that today (Monday) I have officially been a missionary for six months!! Time just works differently when you're working on the Lord's time. But thanks for all the support yall have given me in these past six months and for all yalls love. Love yall and hope yall have a great week!!
I'll bug ya later!😁✌️


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