
Boy will I tell ya. These last two cambios with Elder Watson have flown. Literally has felt shorter than my first Cambio in Genova. And guess what! I'm staying another!! And to be completely honest ... I'm stoked!!! I'm so excited to lead the area and show my comp all the people we need to help and to find the people that hunger for the truth, the white field that is ready to harvest.

Speaking of my new comp... I'll  be receiving an Elder named Elder Salisbury. I know just bout nothing about him but am stoked to get to know him and to get to work.

This week I have had something on my mind. Y de hecho today I came across the scripture about what I was thinking.

Marcos 8:35 Porque el que quiera salvar su vida la perderá; pero el que pierda su vida por causa de mí y del evangelio la salvará.

This scripture reminds me of what obedience does for us. This scripture speaks of giving all your life to God so that He can give you a better one. But I also like to view this scripture and think about it in the way of obedience. The truth is, obedience isn't something easy. But when we are obedient, and sacrifice what we need to (to be obedient to the things of the Lord) He will bless us with stuff that is so much better. I have seen this promise fulfilled throughout my service in Guatemala as a missionary. I may fall short sometimes but I am trying, and for that effort he has blessed me and he will bless you for doing the same. I promise and testify of these truths in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thought I'd just send a sweet and short one this week. Next week will probably be a bit longer. But until then... I hope yall have a great week! I love ya guys and am so thankful for all your support.
I'll bug ya later
I love ya!!


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