Flying through the week
Welp. That was fast. Still not used to mission time and how fast it goes.
Well to sum up everything in a few words... it's been rough. The work has been slow but hey, we still working and we are still trying, keeping in mind that God's timing is always perfect timing. Just doesn't always seem that way to our imperfect minds.
This week I gave a talk in church. I chose to speak about Christ-like love and how the scriptures describe how disciples of Christ should love. John 13:34-35 says "That [we must) love one another; as [Christ] have loved [us]... [and] by this shall all men know that [w]e are [his] disciples." So we must love as Christ loved. And what did he do? He loved everyone like they were his very best friend, shared His gospel with them, and invited them to come unto Him. And that is what he expects us to do as disciples of Christ. I could go on explaining how I explained to my ward how we could do it better, but I think we all can figure that out on our own with a little bit of scripture study and prayer. So that is what I'd like to invite y'all to do today. Search for the stories of when Jesus showed His love to someone, and after reading one or a couple of the stories go ahead and say prayer asking how you may be able to show your love a little bit better to others. And when you do, I know and promise you something will come to mind, and then do it. I promise you that by loving others and striving to show your love more that you will have more joy and happiness in this life and the one to come, and I do so in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
That's it for this week, la verdad is that this week seemed way too short to be real. But I'm sure I'll have more to talk about this coming week with Zone Conference this Wedensday. But anywho, thanks y'all for following up on me and my missions progress! I love ya and hope ya have a great week!!
I'll bug ya later
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