Sowry got sick...

Buenas Días, Tardes, o Noches!!

Ojala todos esten bien!!
Last week I had a pretty bad fever so I didn't have the ganas to write an email last week so sorry for that one.

Oh my goodness, has this transfer been so good and rough at the same time. The rough part so far is our finding drought. We are having a hard time finding people that are actually interested in the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been putting a lot of effort into meeting people these two weeks and have maybe only found one person that is somewhat interested. Please pray for us that we may be better guided to those who hunger for the truth!!

The good part, though, is that Élder Salisbury is just awesome and a ton of fun to work with!! His head is literally just a library of scriptures for almost any situation. He's from Queen Creek Arizona and loves to sing and all things musical so we have had fun sharing musical talents we have.

Speaking of talents. Talents are really interesting. Each little thing that you are good at, whether that you picked up easily or worked for it, is something God given. God gave you the ability to be good at every little thing that you’re good at. And he gave them to you for a reason. When Jesus spoke of the master that gave his servants talents what did the first two do? 

"...he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents... he that had received two, he also gained other two."

They went and used them. He knew what they could do. "He gave... to every man according to his several ability" He knows what you can do with the talents He's given you, and He's given them to you for a purpose. Now you just have to find that purpose. Use your talents, don't be shy. Share your talents and through sharing your talents, share His Gospel. He has given us these talents, these tools, to further His work. We just gotta figure out how to use them. I invite you to begin looking for how. And I promise you as you look for how and begin to do it He will bless you and expound upon you and your talents. You will see these blessings come and more. Cause I have said before, He is a God of blessings and miracles and He always will be. This I know to be true and so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thank you all so much and sorry for the lame 2 weeks in 1 again. I'll try to do better and keep them coming each week. But until next, I hope yall have a great week and I'll bug ya later🐛

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