Sick again

Sorry guys. I got sick last Monday night again and didn't have the ganas to write and send out my email. But don't worry I got better the next day.

Imma keep this one a little short cause to share everything that has happened in the past two weeks would be a bit much. So here are some highlights:

>Zone Conference was awesome. Received some revelation on what I need to do better and have started to put them into practice.
> The blessings came. Just started slow but now we are seeing more.
>Made a kite for Independence day de Guatemala
>Elderes are now famous because two Elderes danced on a concert stage in Antigua
>Won futbol for pday de zona
>Dope intercambios with Elder Park... but with 4.5 hours of travel time trying to get to and back from a visit in pouring rain
>Found(ish) and started teaching an 8 year old boy and his 11 year sister to prepare them for baptism
>Two people died this week. And one of them Elder Salisbury dug the grave for.
>Celebrated the birthday of Jefferson tonight as he completed 9 years!

Sorry for the very short and simple email again. But tbh, I'm feeling sick again so Imma end it right here and keep it a little short. But before just wanna say, keep or start praying, keep or start reading the scriptures, keep or start going to church, cause I know that by doing these small things, God will give you great blessings. I know this is true cause I have experienced those blessings in my life and those I teach. I know that this is true, the gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to bless all the children of God, I testify of this truth in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Have a great week all yall, and stay healthy! Ill bug ya later🐛

Link to photos👇


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