The Joy of Sharing

 This week has been a wild one!!

>I got sick with a fever for two days
>Took a test and found a couple of friends living in my tummy
>Dropped drinking Coca-Cola/Caffeine.
>Have had a migraine since I've done so
>Had Stake Conference in the biggest chapel in all of Central America (said a elder)
>Traveled to Reu to work on some citizenship stuff and hang with the McKays and secretaries

Ya, it's been a whirlwind. All of this, along with preparing 3 people for their baptisms that are coming up. Angelica is one of them, and I am so impressed by her. Her and her family are the most attentive listeners I have ever met. Whenever Elder Gonzalez and I go over to share something with them, they just listen and listen and eat up everything we say. And a couple of times, they have said whenever you guys leave, you guys always leave us smiling and happier than we were before. They are experiencing the pure joy that comes from learning and knowing of the complete gospel of Jesus Christ! They know his plan for them and know what they need to do to receive more joy and all the blessings he has waiting for them, and I can't wait to keep helping them.  For all you who know what I am talking about, which I imagine is the majority of you all, I invite you all to continue with the invitation of the prophet to find the lost sheep of his. And when you find one, help them find their way back and find the next. Help them find the joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Share with them the most precious thing you have, which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have found so much joy in helping these people and want you all to find the joy in helping others know more as well. I promise you will find it.

But that's all for this week guys. This week was crazy but not a whole lot of new things happened in the work this week. Next week, I promise there will be more to update on considering we have Zone Conference this Friday!!!!
Love ya guys
Until next week!!

Bubye Elder Salisbury!

Elder Gonzales, my new companion
Our church building​


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