Give it up
Hola a todos!!
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas this year and that you all have a great new year!!!
Sorry if this email is a little short. I had a larger one written out, ready to send, but sad thing about emails is that there isn't an undo button when you accidentally delete your whole email... and I don't have enough time to write it out all again... sowry
Anywho, to explain these past two weeks!! They have been amazing!! These past two weeks the work has progressed so much!! Including 4 people on date for baptism!! (Auner, Flor, Melanie, y Victoria) There have been miracles and many blessings these past two weeks.
Now to explain the title. I have begun to understand consecration a little better. My comp, Elder Wilks, is such a consecrated missionary. He has changed the way I see missionary work and how I should live every moment of my mission. If you want maricales, give yourself to the Lord, and you will see the potential He has for you. Now, how can I live more consecrated? For me I have found it a little easier to find how to do so (as missionaries we have two books of God given guidelines on how we should live as missionaries) but also, God has written out how we can in the scriptures. Here's a quick list of somethings:
Study the scriptures(not just read, but study)
Keep the Sabbath day holy, in every aspect
Love one another, as you love yourself and as Jesus Loves you!
There's too big of a list for me to fit them all here. But what I believe it comes down to is doing the same things we have always done but with more intention and focus on why. As I have done so, I have begun to see more and more miracles coming. So I invite you all to ask yourself a little more often on why? What is my focus or purpose? And how can I line it up a little closer with the purpose God has for me? I promise that by doing so you, as well, will begin to see the hand of the Lord a little more in your lives.
Alright whelp, that's all for this week, I hope you all have a great new year and that you’re all able to set some great new years resolutions!! I'll bug ya later!! Va PUESSS!!
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