
Showing posts from January, 2024

El Bautismo de Fuego

It literally feels like paradise here. Each day starts around 60º and then gets to a high of around 70º and then gets back down to round 60º. We do practically all of our studies outside with palm trees all over the place with parrots flying back and forth from tree to tree. But it's so funny to think that I am in paradise because on the other side of the cement wall and fence is literally Mexico City and, according to the local missionaries, the sketchiest part of town. Explains the occasional gun shots we hear at night along with the loud bangs of the homemade grenades the kids make with aluminum foil and gunpowder. Anywho ... this week has been awesome and a bit crazy. So I apologize if I haven't had a chance to respond to any emails. To start things off, I was moved to a different district. Hermana Harris and Élder Adams from distrito 10B and Hermana Hertel and I from distrito 8D were pulled from our distritos and were made into the new district of 9G, which has never hap

Segundo Semana en la CCM

 Two Weeks! It's so crazy how fast time is going already! To be completely honest it has all felt like a long Spanish FSY so far. The food is interesting at times but generally it is alright. Except for when they do Mexican. Their tacos, I'm sure, are nothing compared to what the tacos are like on the other side of the fence that surrounds the CCM. But, oh, are they good compared to everything else. Los maestros have been so amazing and mi distrito has been super! We all are getting along amazing, along with, of course, the occasional tease that goes too far. But we are all learning so much in language and spirit. I can't stress enough how much the gospel is true and how much witness I have gained that it is true since I have been here.  Now something that I learned this week that believe is really neat is this: The CCM isn't a school to teach you Spanish. That's not the purpose of it, not at all. I mean, sure, it is a side effect of being taught in an environme

First Week of CCM Completed!

Dang, that sure went by fast. Each day felt soooo long but was soooo good and amazing at the same time. Funny thing is though that despite how slow each day went, the week went by in a flash. So to give you a little peek into what my days have consisted of... Each morning at 6:30 I would wake up, get ready for the day, eat my breakfast and get some study in before class began at 8:30. Then once class started I would be in a zoom meeting with my amazing distrito 8 for three hours until 11:30. After that, class ended I would then have an hour and a half break until 1 pm when I would have a workshop for an hour with all the online missionaries that are attending the Provo MTC and the México CCM. Then beginning at 2 pm I would have a half hour break, enough time to get my personal Spanish study in, until my third class would begin. This class was my Spanish class which consisted of 30 minutes of English the first day, and then strictly just Spanish the rest of the week. So for every day