
Showing posts from April, 2024

Puro Chapin Roller-coaster Ride

 Omgosh this week was all over the place. Let's get into it!!   And I'm going to try to keep this shorter To get things started, an Hermana that we met last week, we finally made it to her house and family to meet and teach them. We have visited them twice now and they are bien pilas!!!(AMAZING) The second time we met with them they expressed a desire to be baptised in the true church of God!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!! The love they have for God and Jesus already is amazing! This week I also got super sick. I must have eaten something bad the night before cause I was in the bathroom for 3 hours puking. So fun! Don't think I have ever felt or looked as dead as I did. Pero ni modo. When I woke up in the morning I was fine and had no more symptoms or pain. This week it has also started to rain. And when I mean rain I mean RAIN. It rains absolute cats and dogs here and we have found ourselves, many times, just standing in the rain in our many travels from area to area. So


Wow, this week has been different. This week has felt like it's gone by so slow... probably because I had a mini two day vacation to the capital, Guatemala City. I'll get to that later To start off ... Last Monday. After P day on Monday we had a Family home evening at the House of Hermano Manuel "EL MEJOR LIDÉR MISIONAL" (the best mission leader) he practically yells that every time he talks about his calling. The power went off so we took some candles out. And boy was that a sight. A family with two É the middle of pitch black Guatemala with nothing but candles talking about Jesus. The spirit was soooo strong and I feel so lucky to be here! Tuesday is when my short vacation began. Élder Canal and I went to Coatepeque for the National bus and began exchanges with Élder Allen. It was a long 5.5 hour bus ride to Guatemala city. And a la gran, it is sooo different there! In certain parts I feel like I'm back in Sacramento. The Hotel we stayed at was thi

Conferencia General

Ok, so a lot but not a lot happened this week. So I think it's going to be a short one this week... we'll see. So, to start things off I have a new companion, our area doubled in size and we now have two houses. Insane... You'd think two houses would be nice, but boy does it complicate things. Now there's a lot more planning to be done every week. I am now half way through training and have a new comp! Élder Canal is lit! He's from Peru, speaks un poquito🤏 English, and is bien pilas!! (awesome) This week there's been a lot of sick people with different illnesses from a fever to kidney stones😬. So there have been many opportunities to use our priesthood authority to give priesthood blessings. It rained!! Oh how I have missed the rain!!!! It began to rain Saturday for a couple hours and then stopped. And then today it absolutely dumped for about an hour. Sadly it hasn't lasted too long but I'll just say when it rains in Guatemala it RAINS! Now for the mo

Semana Santa and Transfer News!

Well, has this been a week! I feel like I say that every week.😂 Anywho, this week was Semana Santa(Holy Week) and I'll start by saying... when Guatemalans do Holy Week they DO it... in a very weird, Chapin way. To start off... BREEEAD!!! Guatemalans love their Holy week bread and I do too now. Each house has a 3ft wide and 2ft tall bin of just bread!!! My paradise.😁 I have definitely had too much bread this week. Second, Jews. Yes Jews, but not the normal Jews you would think I'm talking about. Every night this month and every day, all day, this week there are kids ranging from the age of 5 to 18 who walk or run up and down the streets in crowds with whips, sticks, drums, horns, if it makes noise they've got it. At first I thought they were harmless until this week when the drunk men joined in. And boy do drunk Guatemalans love to talk with Gringos. I've had at least 6 bolos (drunks) chase after me in the streets, well, as fast as a bolo can walk without falling. Exch