
Showing posts from May, 2024

Yo sé que Dios ama a todos

Hello everyone!! I don't have much to say in this email so it'll be a little on the shorter end. First of all we had another baptism!! Mateo was baptized this week. Ya'll should have seen how excited he was and the smile he had on his face when he passed the baptismal interview. We had Stake Conference this week and that was so good. Élder Giron of the Seventy came and visited. They all talked about covenants, the blessing we receive from them, and how they help in this life. It was soo good. I finally got to eat a fresh coconut!! And got to chop it open myself. It was sooo yummy. There was a ton of rain and thunderstorms this week, which were so much fun and so nice cause when it begins to rain the air drops like 10 degrees here in Sanber. No to explain my title a little bit. Today I realized a pattern that has been going on for quite a while. But first of all to Pdays. Pdays, or more like after 6 on Pdays, when they end and we get back to work, are probably some of my har


So transfers happened and that's been fun. Had to say goodbye to all the friends I made in Genova, which was sad. And then Élder Canal and my district, which was also sad. But now I'm in a trio In San Bernardino!!! Élder Watson and Élder Archaga are fun and we get along great. Élder Watson is beginning to show us around since he was here before us two. We are also getting ready to kill Archaga since this is his final transfer in the mission. We had a baptism this Saturday!! Little Hugo was baptized!! He is such the coolest little 9 year old with such a strong testimony and desire to follow Christ. We also go to celebrate little Juanitas 7th birthday this Friday!!! She is just the cutest little girl you'll ever meet!! Other than that not much else happened. But one thing I wanna share with y'all this week is Ether 12:6, specifically the last part, " recibireis nigun testimonio hasta despues la prueba de fe" Sorry I don't have it memorized in English. B

A Baptism y San Bernardino, Here I come!

  Whoops sorry I forgot last week This was another one of those weeks where a lot, but not a lot, happened. Hermana Victorina was baptized after a long time talking with the missionaries and lots of difficulties in her life. But she's always relied on God and is now joining in his fold through baptism!!!! I had exchanges with our DL, Élder Naverette, and that was awesome! I learned how to teach and lead a lesson so much better and we successfully got Hermana Victorina and Hermana Armenia completely ready for their baptisms last Friday. That was until Hermana Armenia's toddler got an eye infection and it was then postponed until the next Friday ... que triste. But he's already getting better and we are looking forward to Friday. On the exchange we got stuck in San Miguelito after 4:30 when there were no more buses. So we got to hitchhike in the bed of a pick-up. Yay! There were a couple of times this week that I had to dangle on the outside of a bus as we traveled to and fro