
Showing posts from July, 2024

God of Maricales

This week was amazingly insane! The past two weeks have been a little hard since we have been losing a lot of people to teach and visit. But this week began to change all of that. Miracle 1: Our friend Hector Hector is a good friend of ours that we found about 3 weeks ago. When we found him, we were just walking down a street to the next appointment when an old man from his front door yelled Élderes! We turned around and got to know him. Come to find out he almost got baptized when he was in Peru for work. But he had to leave for work 2 days before his date and couldn't return. He then ended up here in San Bernardino, not knowing that the church and missionaries were here too. Sadly though, he was about to leave for a 25-day work trip to Costa Rica and back in his big truck. So he left, and we were just going to wait. But then God started working. God said, "no, you're getting baptized". And when Hector was out of his truck for a short stop, his engine blew up. So he

2n1 again... sowry....

  Sorry about forgetting again. Well tbh. I didn't forget. I just didn't have the ganas (desire) to write an email last Monday. Every now and then there's a rough week. But they are always rough in different ways. Just like these past two weeks.   The first week was just physically and mentally exhausting between the heat, our friends that would never be home, and trying to help keep a ward from falling apart. It's been a crazy transfer, that's for sure.   This week however has just been a different type. This week we had Zone Conference and boy was it good!! We learned about something that I'll share later but also how important it is to extend baptismal dates to see what our friends really want. If they just want to hear scriptures or as a chapine would say  "la palabra de Dios" which they truly are. Or if they were really interested in repenting, as in changing from the old ways of doing things for a better, more divine, Christ-like way. And

We've got friends ... our stomachs. That's right. I got a parasite!! Wahoo. But now I'm all better. And Élder Watson is pretty much all better. He was a tad bit worse than I. But that was the majority of our week. Staying in the house too sick to go out or hospital trips for ourselves and helping out another sick companionship when we did feel better. That was like the first half of the week. The second half was sooo much better! So about three weeks ago there was a cousin of a friend of ours that after a lesson that she listened to from the front door walked up to me and asked how long is the process to be baptized? I then told her about two or three weeks. And then she straight up told me she wanted to be baptized!!! Was awesome until we tried teaching her and she kind of just didn't show up a couple of times. But now she's showing up and she's got a date for her baptism!! Its so awesome to see how God has been blessing Élder Watson and I and His work here in San Bernardino. 1

Water and more water ...

This week was crazy!! To start things off transfers went well, other than the fact that the actual transfers didn't because it took until 1030pm at night for the new comps to get to their areas due to blockades due to strikes. But good thing I'm staying with Élder Watson so we just got right to work when Archaga left the night before for his home in Honduras. Well actually, we tried to get to work. Élder Watson has been pretty sick this past week so keep him in your prayers! So due to that, there were some days we spent more time in the house than others. One of the times we did leave the house when he wasn't feeling too hot was this friday. As District Leader, Élder Watson now has to do interviews to make sure the friends of the missionaries in our district are indeed ready for their Baptisms. This interview took us to Oriente on the outskirts of Mazatenango. As we were rolling up to Mazate (Mazatenango) the clouds rolled and the rain came. Once we got out of the bus we bo