

This week I learned something, something I think I really should have learned earlier, and that is the law of consecration. I realized last week that there are some things I could do better. I mean I was trying to be a good missionary, but I could've been better. This was something that I had actually talked to my mission president about in my interview. His response was that he was so happy that I realized that. Because he has been waiting for me to realize that I could do better. This reminded me a little bit of Jesus Christ. He knows we are perfect, he knows that we won't ever be exactly like him, but he is there waiting for us to realize that we can do better, and when we realize that and include him in our effort to become better, he will bless us. He will bless us with the energy and strength to do better. He will bless us with the joy that comes from living the gospel. He will bless us with success, but also trials to discover where we need to work a little harder, and &

The Joy of Sharing

  This week has been a wild one!! >I got sick with a fever for two days >Took a test and found a couple of friends living in my tummy >Dropped drinking Coca-Cola/Caffeine. >Have had a migraine since I've done so >Had Stake Conference in the biggest chapel in all of Central America (said a elder) >Traveled to Reu to work on some citizenship stuff and hang with the McKays and secretaries Ya, it's been a whirlwind. All of this, along with preparing 3 people for their baptisms that are coming up. Angelica is one of them, and I am so impressed by her. Her and her family are the most attentive listeners I have ever met. Whenever Elder Gonzalez and I go over to share something with them, they just listen and listen and eat up everything we say. And a couple of times, they have said whenever you guys leave, you guys always leave us smiling and happier than we were before. They are experiencing the pure joy that comes from learning and knowing of the complete gospel of

Sick again

Sorry guys. I got sick last Monday night again and didn't have the ganas to write and send out my email. But don't worry I got better the next day. Imma keep this one a little short cause to share everything that has happened in the past two weeks would be a bit much. So here are some highlights: >Zone Conference was awesome. Received some revelation on what I need to do better and have started to put them into practice. > The blessings came. Just started slow but now we are seeing more. >Made a kite for Independence day de Guatemala >Elderes are now famous because two Elderes danced on a concert stage in Antigua >Won futbol for pday de zona >Dope intercambios with Elder Park... but with 4.5 hours of travel time trying to get to and back from a visit in pouring rain >Found(ish) and started teaching an 8 year old boy and his 11 year sister to prepare them for baptism >Two people died this week. And one of them Elder Salisbury dug the grave for. >Celebr

Flying through the week

  Welp. That was fast. Still not used to mission time and how fast it goes. Well to sum up everything in a few words... it's been rough. The work has been slow but hey, we still working and we are still trying, keeping in mind that God's timing is always perfect timing. Just doesn't always seem that way to our imperfect minds. This week I gave a talk in church. I chose to speak about Christ-like love and how the scriptures describe how disciples of Christ should love. John 13:34-35 says "That [we must) love one another; as [Christ] have loved [us]... [and] by this shall all men know that [w]e are [his] disciples." So we must love as Christ loved. And what did he do? He  loved  everyone like they were his very best friend,  shared  His gospel with them, and  invited  them to come unto Him. And that is what he expects us to do as disciples of Christ. I could go on explaining how I explained to my ward how we could do it better, but I think we all can figure that out

Sowry got sick...

Buenas Días, Tardes, o Noches!! Ojala todos esten bien!! Last week I had a pretty bad fever so I didn't have the ganas to write an email last week so sorry for that one. Oh my goodness, has this transfer been so good and rough at the same time. The rough part so far is our finding drought. We are having a hard time finding people that are actually interested in the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been putting a lot of effort into meeting people these two weeks and have maybe only found one person that is somewhat interested. Please pray for us that we may be better guided to those who hunger for the truth!! The good part, though, is that Élder Salisbury is just awesome and a ton of fun to work with!! His head is literally just a library of scriptures for almost any situation. He's from Queen Creek Arizona and loves to sing and all things musical so we have had fun sharing musical talents we have. Speaking of talents. Talents are really interesting. Each


Boy will I tell ya. These last two cambios with Elder Watson have flown. Literally has felt shorter than my first Cambio in Genova. And guess what! I'm staying another!! And to be completely honest ... I'm stoked!!! I'm so excited to lead the area and show my comp all the people we need to help and to find the people that hunger for the truth, the white field that is ready to harvest. Speaking of my new comp... I'll  be receiving an Elder named Elder Salisbury. I know just bout nothing about him but am stoked to get to know him and to get to work. This week I have had something on my mind. Y de hecho today I came across the scripture about what I was thinking. Marcos 8:35 Porque el que quiera salvar su vida la perderá; pero el que pierda su vida por causa de mí y del evangelio la salvará. This scripture reminds me of what obedience does for us. This scripture speaks of giving all your life to God so that He can give you a better one. But I also like to view this scriptu

God of Maricales

This week was amazingly insane! The past two weeks have been a little hard since we have been losing a lot of people to teach and visit. But this week began to change all of that. Miracle 1: Our friend Hector Hector is a good friend of ours that we found about 3 weeks ago. When we found him, we were just walking down a street to the next appointment when an old man from his front door yelled Élderes! We turned around and got to know him. Come to find out he almost got baptized when he was in Peru for work. But he had to leave for work 2 days before his date and couldn't return. He then ended up here in San Bernardino, not knowing that the church and missionaries were here too. Sadly though, he was about to leave for a 25-day work trip to Costa Rica and back in his big truck. So he left, and we were just going to wait. But then God started working. God said, "no, you're getting baptized". And when Hector was out of his truck for a short stop, his engine blew up. So he